Drawer SC0927
Contains 120 Results:
42nd Sep. Co Veterans Assoc, 1935
Program for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the 42nd Separate Company Veterans' Association, 11/20/1935 [original]
42nd Separate Co., 1895
Invitation to the opening of the New York State Armory in Niagara Falls, 11/20/1895 [original]
42nd Separate Company Day Book, 1897
Articles about the 42nd Separate Company at Fort Alger. [photocopies]
1910-1950 Chronology of the years, 1910 - 1919
Niagara Falls Gazette clippings of chronologies of major events. [originals and photocopies]
1950-1999 Years of, 1954 - 1999
Newspaper chronologies of major events. [originals and photocopies]
2000, 2001 (Millenium), 2000
Y2K new millennium information [originals]
Abortion, 2006
Full edition of the Artvoice newspaper featuring an article about an abortion clinic in Niagara Falls [originals]
Accidents at NF, 1961 - 1974
News clippings about accidental deaths at the falls [originals]
Automobile accidents in Niagara Falls 1934-1935, 1935
Report of a survey of automobile accidents during the winter of 1934-1935 [originals]
Accidents - Incline R.R., 1907
News articles related to a court case concerning an accident on the incline railway [originals]