Environmental impact statements
Found in 70 Collections and/or Records:
Department of Environmental Conservation applications and documentation, 1982-2007
Permit applications and documentation relating to the Modern Landfill, Inc. Sanitary Landfill (1982, Lewiston), Pletcher Pond Clay Mine (1994, Lewiston), and Tier NY, LLC. air emissions permit
Draft Environmental effects Analysis June 2005, Vol. I of II, 2005
Environmental impact analysis on the proposed Seneca Tribe Casino in Niagara Falls. (2 copies)
DuPont Niagara Plant, 1983-1999
Reports and documentation pertaining to the DuPont Niagara Plant including Groundwater Remediation System reports, copy of the Remedial Design Report for the Frontier Chemical Site (HAI 2020)
Durez Plastics Environmental Reports, 2001-2003
Environ. Assess. NF Air Res. Station - various, Environ. Assess. NF Air Res. Station, 1986-2017
Environmental assessments and reports related to the Niagara Falls Air Force Reserve Station
Environmental Impact Statement Final - US Dept. of Energy Washington DC, 1986
Environmental Impact Statement Final - US Dept. of Energy Washington DC
Environmental Impact Stmt. Urban Renewal Project I, 1975
Environmental Impact Stmt. Urban Renewal Project I
Environmental Protection Agency Collection
Reports from Frontier Chemical Waste and the Hazorb Site.
Environmental Reports, 1966-1992
Three reports regarding environmental impact: Water and Air Pollution Report (March 22, 1966), Pollution Control (February 14, 1967), Carborundum Company, Electric Products Division Facility Monthly Progress Report (July 31, 1992)